Berry's Creek Gourmet Cheese - Blue


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Berry's Creek Gourmet Cheese was founded in 2007 by partners Barry & Cheryl Charlton in Gippsland, Victoria, just a short drive from Melbourne.

As a Master Cheesemaker, Barry has been stirring the curd for over 40 years now. During that time he has made an abundance of different types of cheese, however it would be blue cheese that he settled on for his own venture. This notoriously finnicky style requires deft skill and a commitment to consistentency in order to succeed. This would be no problem for the Charlton's.

Riverine Blue - Named after the breed of buffalo from whose milk this incredible cheese is made, this is arguably Australia's best blue cheese (as posited by one Mumbleberry staff member at least). Delicate notes of blue are perfectly balanced by the sweetness of the buffalo milk. Incredible!!

Tarwin Blue - A bold spiciness is paired with a touch of earthiness and a moreish creamy finish.   

Mossvale Blue - Made as a milder and sweeter version of the Tarwin, this makes the perfect people-pleasing table cheese. 

Berry's Creek are truly at the top of the Australian Cheese industry, all their signature blue cheeses win awards every time they are entered - and the Riverine Buffalo Blue has often crowned Top Gold at produce awards - we cannot stress enough that Berry's Creek really are one of Australia's Best Cheeses, and we are proud and overjoyed to be able to offer it it our locals in Queensland rounding off Brisbane Best Cheese Selections in store ;)