Salumi Australia - Spreadable Salami


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These 'spreadable salumi' or 'chorizo mince' will add a new dimension to your next charcuterie platter (and will save you having to slice anything). They are equally at home in the kitchen - use them as the base for a delicious pasta sauce! 

  • 'Nduja - A spicy salami from Calabria in the south of Italy. Not for the feint of heart! 
  • Sobrasada - A mild paprika-rich salami from Spain. Family friendly! 

In 2010 Sardinian native Massimiliano Scalas, along with partner Rebecca McEwan, set out to create a range of Italian smallgoods that would honour the recipes of his homeland.

In a world dominated by low-quality and overly processed industrialised food, Salumi Australia instead takes the time to prove that 'tradition' exists for a very good reason.

Salumi Australia are all made from Free Range Australian Pork and are Gluten Free, endorsed by Coeliac Australia, made locally in Billinudgel